JIM History
Year two, June 25- July 13
ARTISTS: T. "Ayo" Alston, Julia Rae Antonick, Michelle Boule, Katie Ernst, Kristina Fluty, Lisa Gonzales, Marguerite Hemmings, Katherine Kaufman, Ben Law, Joan Lin, Jessica Marasa, Chrissy Martin, Jonathan Meyer, Melinda Jean Myers, Onye Ozuzu, Ryan Packard, Daniel Woods, Michael Zerang
PROGRAMS: JIM Class, PlayLab, Somatic Nights, Brahmavihara Meditation, Weekend Workouts (with noted guest artists), Feldenkrais, Contemplative Moving, Gift Circle, Song Circle, in Formal Performance Series.
In Formal Showing, Friday June 29, 7:30 pm: featuring Michelle Boule, Khecari, Ben Law and Joan Lin, Katharine Kaufman and Lisa Gonzales, Onye Ozuzu
in Formal Showing, Friday July 13, 7:30 pm: featuring Marguerite Hemmings and Daniel Woods, Evergreen (Jessica Marasa and Katie Ernst), Jonathan Meyer, Ayo Alston
2017, year one: Jun 26 - Jul 14
ARTISTS: Michelle Boule, Rachel Bunting, Victoria Bradford, Erin Cowan, Mary Dougherty, Chelsea Dvorchek, Kristina Fluty, Lisa Gonzales, Darrel Jones, Erin Kilmurray, Ben Law, Alie MacManus, Jessica Marasa, Chrissy Martin, Melinda Myers, Andrea Olson, Onye Ozuzu, Caryl Prupusich, Timothy David Rey, Diana Quinones Rivera, Lyndsae Rinio, Bryan Saner, Katie Tuttle, Rob Welcher. Music: Hamid Drake, Ryan Packard, Michael Zerang.
PROGRAMS: JIM Class, Playlab, Dance Box, With Joy in Mind (workshops offsite), Weekend Workouts (with noted guest artists), Sitting Meditation, Somatic Hour, Yoga, BMC, Feldenkrais, The Underscore, dance club, Step Touch, Voice from the Body Workshop, Gift Circle, Song Circle and Potluck, in Formal Performance Series.
In Formal Showing, Friday June 30, 7:30 pm
in Formal Showing, Friday July 7, 7:30 pm
In Formal Showing, Friday July 14, 7:30 pm
The JIM is a collaboration with The Watering Can Dance, with CMC as proud hosting/producing partner.
The JIM 2017 was supported in part by the Carl and Pat Greer Donor Advised Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of the U.S. Charitable Gift Trust.

Michelle Boule, guest artist JIM years one and two
THE JIM(Joy in Moving)
is a bold occasional summer dance project featuring unparalleled movement experiences in dance techniques and forms, somatics, creative practice, performance, and community gatherings--led by noted faculty/artists from Chicago and beyond. Founded by artist Jessica Marasa, with the Chicago Moving Company/Hamlin Park Theater as proud host/producing partner.
"thank you all for creating such as lovely place to move, explore, and just BE . . it felt so good to allow myself to honor my joy in moving alongside so many cool, open and kind people"
- Emily Anderson, JIM participant
the JIM is on hiatus
Check here for info on the next JIM, and find more info at TheJIM.org

Marguerite Hemmings, "we free" Lab. The JIM year 2.
Victoria Bradford, JIM artist year 1. "Ghost Skirts"