Archives, 2018
U N T E T H E R E D, Dec 6, 7, 14.
A 2-week performance/installation project on the eve of winter that includes 2 separate shows/weekends (Finding Nature, 12/6 and 7, and Cartographic Body 12/14) and multiple distinctive movement artists at the Hamlin Park Theater (all linked under CMC's umbrella)
DEC 14. Fri. 7:30 pm.
Cartographic Body ::
a participatory treasure hunt | Lindsay Hopkins
Join an experiential participatory evening. An archeological moving meditation. Treasure hunt style, your inner landscape will be activated to become a moving map. You’ll follow cartographic pathways of movement through space, tracing yourself through reflective activities. Simultaneously a part of the collective around you while building intimacy through a solo journey within. This socially engaged evening acknowledges and activates the deep histories that exist as living energy within the shared spaces between us. Available that evening will be copies of the exhibition guide, Body Mapping, that provides another possibility for documenting the body, adding an additional landscape to the ongoing Forgotten Bodies self-portrait series currently on display at Hamlin. Use this body mapping take home guide to track traces of history, memory, story, sensation, awareness, injury, illness etc throughout your body and field. Through the use of symbols, elements, textures, and color the map key provided is a system for exploring the terrain of your body. Use the key and reflection questions provided in the guide to help yourself find patterns, pathways, and trajectories in your space - becoming a self-created scan of collected information as an act of reclaiming lost intimacy and strengthening self-awarenesses.
DEC 6/7. Thu/Fri at 7:30 pm.
"Finding Nature"- new works inspired by nature, by: Danielle Gilmore, Corinne Imberski,
Mark Kater, Wilson Tanner Smith
Finding Nature features dance,music, and story telling as ways of expressing our relationship with the nature that surrounds us, as well as the recognition of our human nautre. his concert is produced through a 3-month workshop with Ayako Kato at Hamlin Park.
SEP 4 - DEC 4, Tues - 10 am - noon.
Finding Nature: Dance Movement Creation Workshop with Ayako Kato
Find nature in ourselves: recognize the elements and activities of nature present in our own bodies (and minds)-- one of the most fascinating, complex, ever-changing living organisms. Through movement exercises and practice (anatomical, PNF* and myofascial meridian stretch), Ayako will prepare participants to increase their physical and mental awareness and achieve a molecular-level detailed expression through the fully receptive body. Participants are encouraged to find ANY physical and metaphorical connection (even as opposition) between the topic of this workshop and their own interests: this connection can be artistic, scientific, biological, emotional, poetic, philosophical, mathematical, sociopolitical (it can be one or all, and even beyond!!). Then, participants will create their own experimental solo, duo or trio (one performer could be a musician) to present for the end of the semester (December 6 & 7 evenings) at the Hamlin Park Fieldhouse Theater. PNF - Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
NOV 29/30. Thu/Fri at 7 pm.
"This show begins at the end."
MOVED, Columbia College Chicago.
Inspired by the closing of the Dance/Movement Therapy & Counseling program at Columbia College, the class of 2019 highlights the new beginnings that being a student in this program has opened up. M.O.V.E.D. (Masters Organization Volunteering and Educating about Dance/Movement Therapy) is comprised of masters-level graduate students in the dance/movement therapy and counseling program at Columbia College Chicago. It is our mission to promote dance/movement therapy and provide creative initiatives through performance, sponsored events, and volunteering opportunities for students, staff, and faculty, as well as for the greater Chicagoland community.
Nov 17-21 | Jessie Young
// 11/17, 12-2 pm
T E C H N I Q U E (S) C L A S S
Community based, open level. Sliding scale: $5-$10 drop-in
part of CMC's STAIR (short-term artist in residence program)
NOV 15, 16. 7:30 pm
Sway Dance Chicago
"Sway on Broadway"
5th annual production featuring dances from new and classic musicals in a variety of styles, such as Waltz, Swing, Samba, Tap, Modern, and more.
NOV 8, 9. 7:30 pm
MDC Performance Showcase
MaZi Dance Chicago's Showcase: Come watch MDC perform this year's choreography! We are a team of women who love to dance! We have taken our passion a step further by performing and most of the events we do are philanthropic in nature...we volunteer via dance.
OCT 5/6. Thurs, Fri . 7:30 pm.
a new evening-length work created by
Kimberly Baker & Charlique C. Rolle
As a practice, both artists are very reflective and story-driven as creators. The beauty of each work is found in the nature of the story of the artists - choreographers and dancers alike. What is most important is that the work is never a piece that is simply set, but rather a piece that is found and investigated, deepening the experience of the piece beyond the studio and into life. We seek to create pieces that are evocative and provoke the audience to a sense of discomfort, forcing them to answer questions that have gone unanswered and finding a true cathartic release as they find themselves in the work, but further provoke them to wholeness. The process begins with improvisational exploration, self-reflection and self-exposing.
May 1 - Sept 30
"Eyes in Nature" |Hamlin Park Gallery
Photographs by and of Ayako Kato.
Aug 6-10, 10 am - 1 pm, M-F
Dance Camp (ages 8-13) | registration full
Teacher: Adriana Durant
Daily instruction/introduction to contemporary dance and hip-hop, with an informal showing of skills learned the final day for family/friends.
JUL 24- JUL 28
Theater on the Lake - in the works
in collaboration with Chicago Dramatists presents: "Felons and Familias" -
a play in progress by Sandra Delgado
Admission is FREE.
In 2014 President Obama announced in his new immigration policy "felons, not families" would be the target of deportation efforts. But what happens when these two identities intersect? A dark comedy with heightened movement, "Felons and Familias" is the story of a Chicago woman caught in the black hole of criminal immigration courts as she fights to remain with her mother and daughter in the city she calls home.
JUL 6, JUL 13
in Formal Showings - The JIMi
Fridays at 7:30 pm.
"a rare opportunity to witness some of the best contemporary dancers in the field practice their craft" (Furnans, Windy City Times) Join us for these chill, casual evenings: intimate showings by notable dance artists from Chicago and beyond (different artists each Friday) who are sharing their creative work in performance: from performance research to spontaneous compositions, works-in-progress, and more refined choreographic work.
Ben Law and Joan Lin
Onye Ozuzu
Michelle Boule (NY)
Julia Rae Antonick/Amanda Maraist
JUL 13--including the Marasa Family post-show Root-Beer Float tradition!
Marguerite Hemmings/Daniel Woods (NY)
Jonathan Meyer
T. "Ayo" Alston workshop group phrase showing
Jessica Marasa/Katie Ernst (Evergreen)
JUN 30/JUL 1 | Sat/Sun, 10:30 am-4:30 pm
JIMi Weekend Workout Workshop
"Contemplative Moving: Deep Play Practices"
led by Katharine Kaufman (CO
The invitation in this weekend workshop in stillness and moving is to find the dance that each of us already knows. Alone and togehter we'll discover the spontaneous delights within any moment. Through deep play we'll ignite the many layers of knowing and explore boundaries between our art, meditation, and ordinary days. Woven throughout this weekend we'll be guided and held through sitting, walking, and resting positions, movement practices, improvisational scores, discussion, and a little writing. The sense is these guided practices and structures are both valuable as themselves as well as support for Contemplative Dance Practice, with its emphasis on (the slightly daunting and extra-splendid) Open Space and Kinesthetic Delight. Underneath the outer forms some of our inner research may involve considering our Way Seeking Mind, practice of our Creative Process, re-learning movement, social patterns, cultivating well-being, being part of a community, and investigating just this moment.
JUNE 25 - JULY 13
The JIM (Joy in Moving) .
M-Th, 10 am - 8:30 pm; F 7:30-9:30 pm, Sat/Sun 10:30 am-4:30 pm.
Complete schedule and faculty bios at
3 weeks of daily, in-depth movement experiences--including classes, workshops, creative and performance practices, the inFormal Performance Series,and gatherings-- in contemporary dance, somatics, improvisation, meditation and more. With 20+ notable artists/faculty from Chicago and beyond (including T. "Ayo" Alston, Michelle Boule, Kristina Fluty, Lisa Gonzales, Marguerite Hemmings, Ben Law, Chrissy Martin, Jonathan Meyer, Melinda Jean Myers, Ryan Packard, Daniel Woods, Michael Zerang, many others). The JIM is a collaboration between The Watering Can Dance and the Chicago Moving Company
MAY 20 - JUN 24. Sundays, 3:30-4:45 pm
"Discover the Practice of Tai Chi Chaun"
6 identical FREE classes. Led by Daniel Guidara.
All are welcome--no latecomers or outside shoes in the space. Classes will introduce foundation principles, pung jin and the dragon body.
The cost will be your total participation. Donations accepted/not expected.
May 24 - Thurs, 7:30 pm The Body Politic
Elizabeth Lentz-Hill and Kelly Ferris Lester
The Body Politic features two solo works and a duet choreographed by Elizabeth Lentz-Hill and Kelly Ferris Lester. Lentz-Hill’s solo “My Body Performs, Or a Clean Piko”, investigates various aspects of one’s identity, such as race, class, gender, sexuality, and nationality, and how these are embedded in specific body parts. Lester’s solo, “In Her Clothes,” looks at the ways that women strive to succeed in a masculine world and the effects of this. “People Issues,” created by both performers, concludes the performance and uses magazine images, literally and figuratively, in showing how society expects bodies to be “performed.” As the piece unwinds, current issues are folded into the narrative as the dancers investigate the connections of self and society. The event concludes with a dialogue between performers, an invited guest speaker, and the audience.
Apr 3 - May 22 Tuesdays, 10 am - noon.
Art of Now V - with Ayako Kato : Composition and Improvisation
(AUH 20th Anniversary Edition)
Take a journey together to physically investigate how composition and improvisation are endlessly interdependent, interconnected and reciprocal. Participants will also learn somatic exercises--to be ready to move, and prepare themselves to be receptive; to recognize principles to be free--or create structure/limits to be free/find infinite freedom within. Photo: J. Kimmel
May 10/11 - Thur/Fri, 7:30 pm
Dance Shelter 2018 | Chicago Moving Company
Rachel Bunting/The Humans; Emma Draves; Ayako Kato/
Art Union Humanscape
one of the "best dance performances of the summer" (Crain's)
Bold, new and re-imagined dance works by The Chicago Moving Company; CMC Artists-in-Residence: Rachel Bunting, Ayako Kato; and guest artist Emma Draves; DS "showcases a slew of burgeoning talent . . . every bit as audacious, complex, unusual as audiences have come to expect " (Pena,
May 3/4 - Thur/Fri, 7:30 pm
Winifred Haun & Dancers with
BODYSTORIES: Teresa Fallion Dance
Winifred Haun & Dancers will present two works: "Trashed," choreographed by Winifred Haun and Emma Serjeant, and "The Woman Who Fed Her Diamonds to the Goldfish Bowl," choreographed by the venerable Lonny Joseph Gordon. "Trashed" combines modern dance and circus arts to tell the story of how humans have come to clutter their lives with too much stuff, and how all that stuff keeps us from each other. "The Woman Who..." is a solo about a uniquely disturbed woman and features a table, doll and water in a goldfish bowl. Choreographed originally in 2001 for Winifred Haun, The Woman Who will be re-staged and performed by veteran Company Dancer, Ariel Dorsey. This engagement will also feature New York City's BodyStories: Teresa Fellion Dance.
Apr 19/20 - Thur/Fri, 7:30 pm
GRIT Dance - Storytelling in Concert
Conor Cornelius Choreography
We believe each person has a unique story to tell and we want to share ours with you! Small and tall, young and old, we come together to create compelling stories, movement and partnering. We hope that by witnessing our stories as audience members, you can relate to our art. Through this idea, we hope to build a connection between observer and artist. Storytelling brings us together.
Apr 12/13 - Thur/Fri, 7:30 pm
Dancers in Company - "Collective Energies"
The University of Iowa's premier touring ensemble, Dancers in Company, brings their popular concert tour to the Hamlin Park Theater--Now in its 34th year, the company will present an evening-length work with Artistic Director Jennifer Kayle exploring this years theme of collective action. Collaborating with community and campus partners to better understand how a group of people share an intention, their performance will question, challenge, and inspire ideas about how we make things happen together.
Apr 5/6 - Thu/Fri, 7:30 pm
Alluvion Dance Chicago - "Sharp Objects"
A wealthy socialite is throwing a fancy political fundraiser for her husband. Everyone has a motive to kill in this modern dance whodunit: A paranoid widow with a deadly past, a military general with special training, a seductress out for revenge, a college professor with questionable ethics, or perhaps one of the beleauguered house staff. Choreography: Kaytee Cox, Johnny Huntoon, Julia Kummerow; Original Story: Chad Wilson Lighting/Set Design: Claire Doty
Mar 29/30, Thu/Fri, 7:30 pm
RE|Dance Group - "The Mysterious Disappearance of the Second Youngest Sister"
The Mysterious Disappearance Of The Second Youngest Sister delves into the construction of the artistic mind by exploring the intertwined relationship of three characters caught within one young female writer's reality and creative imagination. Using RE|dance group's unique flair for the dramatic, the evening length work creates a claustrophobic room filled with stacks of books that the dancers navigate as they strive for power and control. The costumes and set decor hint at the Victorian era where romance and imagination govern the mind of a young woman. The dance is driven by images of sight, desire, and curiosity, creating a non-linear narrative which draws the audience into the dancers' world, allowing for relationships to unfold.
Mar 22/23, Thu/Fri, 7:30 pm
Letters to Self: Dance/Movement Therapy
Community Concert
This concert is a celebration of our work as Creative Arts Therapists,
keeping art-making processes alive in our bodies, minds, and spirits.
Now more than ever it feels important to honor, support, and
showcase the many voices of dance/movement therapy. The theme
we individually and collectively explore is Letters to Self. We allow
creative expression and powerful transformation to radiate through
Mar 1/2, Thu/Fri, 7:30 pm "Lifetimes"
DePaul Dance Company
FEB 23, Friday, 7:30 pm | "Listen . . . "
Emma Draves and Andy Slavin
A collaborative project between artists Emma Draves and Andy Slavin, "Listen..." mines the physical fracturing which results from the struggle to participate in spaces were are not necessarily welcome into but must take part in. Our personal experiences are subtext for weaving the narrative of this work which manifests from efforts to find stability in risk, aggressive viscerality, and rituals of comfort viewed through critical feminist and queer lenses.
Feb 1/2, Th/Fri, 7:30 pm.
"Just Another Recent Grad Show"
Karen Yatsko and Anna Rodimtseva
Our story begins a year ago. Karen Yatsko had just graduated, Anna Rodimtseva is about to graduate. Both are making dances and dancing in each others dances. Everything is going swimmingly. Surprise twist! Anna breaks her skull and Karen has a show at 3:00 pm on a Tuesday. Despite these setbacks, the dances were made, kind of seen, and we all moved on with our lives. Looking back on these months we thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be fun if we could redo that correctly?" The answer was "Yes!" So Anna and Karen have joined forces to rent a theater on the same evening to show works that have nothing to do with each other.